Why Code-First Development is a Great Option for New Web Developers

Why Code-First Development is a Great Option for New Web Developers

Starting off with code-first development is a simple and effective way to learn web development


2 min read

As a new web developer, it can be overwhelming to navigate the vast landscape of web development tools and frameworks. One of the key decisions that you'll need to make is whether to start with code-first or database-first development. While database-first development can be an attractive option for some, code-first development is a great choice for beginners who want to build their skills and create high-quality, maintainable web applications. In this article, we'll explore why code-first development is a great option for new web developers.

Comparing Code-First and Database-First Development

In database-first development, you start by designing the database schema and then generate code that interacts with the database. This approach can be useful for teams that have a dedicated database designer who can create a robust, optimized database schema. However, for new web developers who are just starting, this approach can be challenging because it requires a deep understanding of database design principles and can result in overly complex database schemas that are difficult to maintain.

Code-first development, on the other hand, focuses on building the application code first and then creating the database schema based on the code. This approach can be easier for new developers because it allows them to focus on building the application logic and functionality before worrying about the underlying data structure. Additionally, because the code-first approach generates the database schema based on the application code, it tends to produce simpler, more maintainable database schemas.

Benefits of Code-First Development for New Web Developers

  1. Simplicity: Code-first development is a straightforward and easy-to-understand approach to web development. As a beginner web developer, you want to start with simple and easy-to-use tools, and code-first development provides just that.

  2. Flexibility: With code-first development, you have the flexibility to change the database schema as you go. As you gain experience and become more comfortable with web development, you can gradually add more advanced features to your application.

  3. Faster development: Code-first development allows developers to quickly build the application's functionality without worrying about the underlying database schema. This can help accelerate development time, making it an attractive option for beginner web developers who want to get up and running quickly.


In conclusion, code-first development is a great option for new web developers who want to build high-quality, maintainable web applications. While database-first development can be a useful approach for some teams, beginners may find it too complex and challenging. With code-first development, new developers can focus on building the application code and functionality, while the underlying database schema is generated automatically. This approach can result in simpler, more maintainable code and a better development experience overall.